Sunday, 25 April 2010

How to Write a Two Weeks Notice Letter

If you're interested in knowing how to write a two weeks notice letter for a job that you intend to leave, hopefully for a better job, you have plenty of resources online to use in getting prepared to say good-bye to management and your co-workers.

Below are four resources that you can use when looking for the right words to say when writing your two weeks notice letter to your employer:

1. Associated Content, online at, can offer you good, solid content for any type of a business letter, but they have superb writers who really know how to let your former bosses down easily and eloquently.
2. You can get helpful information on how to write a two weeks notice letter at Here, you will learn to keep your letter short and to the point but to be very gracious, emphasizing the positives of your old position.
3. At online,, you learn to write a two weeks notice letter even if you quit your job verbally.
4. Netscape also has good tips on how to write a professional two weeks notice letter. So give them a try, as well.

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