Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Cigar Discounts Are Offered For Any Number Of Reasons

By definition, a cigar discount is any cigar that is sold at less than premium prices. It is by no means by necessity what we might call a cheap cigar, although it could be. Sometimes it is actually a very fine cigar put on sale for the sake of special promotions. It may also be a new cigar brand that is launched and sold as a discount in order to gain significant market share in a relatively short period of time.

Looking for cigar discounts is an excellent way to save money for special occasions. You can always go and buy a premium cigar for 50 dollars when you feel it is called for. However, there may be people in your circle who are new to cigar smoking, or casual acquaintances you know, who you may want to buy an inexpensive gift for as a kind gesture.

Cigar discounts are a great way to accommodate these social situations without putting yourself through needless, exorbitant expense. Someone used to smoking cigarettes, for example, is not going to really understand the difference between premium cigar quality and cigars sold at a discountbut they will appreciate your intent.

You will find on a number of sampler packs that are put together for this very purpose for those of you looking to buy gifts for smokers from all walks of life.

The most convenient place to find cigar discounts from the comfort of your own home is the Internet. Our website has all sorts of specials that you can choose from. If you are out and about, though, and want face-to-face information, stop by a cigar shop or cigar lounge.
Do not be worried about embarrassing yourself by asking about cigar discounts. Simply say you are asking about gift options. No one is going to assume you are low-budget by nature if you do this.

Magazines are yet another source of information on cigar discounts. Many magazines here in Houston, for example, are free publications that are financed exclusively by advertising. They can be found in various newsstands all over the city and feature a multitude of ads and colorful graphics that supply all sorts of valuable information.

Cigar discounts may last only a few days, or they may run for several months. That depends on the retailer. Many promotions for new brands are deliberately limited in duration in order to encourage impulse buying and a quick grab for new market share. Other discounts may run for a very long period of time in order to improve the rating of a cigar that may previously have gone unnoticed. Still other discounts are indefinite because the cigar itself is of a less than premium quality and by nature does not justify a large amount of money.

Some people mistakenly think that all cigars sold at a discount are machine-rolled. This is by no means an absolute. As we have already noted, some of the worlds truly best cigars are often discounted in price. Nothing is written in stone that says you cant ever run across a gem of a deal as well as a cigar at the same time.

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